our additional top-notch experts from research and applied areas are now going to reinforce the external scientific committee.
Boppard/Cologne. The medical skin care brand sebamed of the medium-sized corporation Sebapharma GmbH & Co. KG in Boppard has been standing under the motto “Research for Healthy Skin” for over 45 years. The products which have a pH value of 5.5 like healthy skin are being continuously further developed and optimized according to the latest scientific knowledge. As product-related innovations particularly depend on exceptional ideas, Sebapharma created the Scientific Advisory Board as a permanent fixture for the first time 20 years ago, appointing internationally acknowledged capacities from the fields of dermatology, chemistry and pharmaceutics.
With immediate effect, Sebapharma increases its Scientific Advisory Board by four top-notch experts:
- Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Monika Schäfer-Korting, Vice President and Vice Dean of the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmaceutics at the Free University of Berlin
- Prof. Dr. med. Christiane Bayerl, Director of the Dermatology and Allergology Hospital of the Dr. Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken GmbH in Wiesbaden
- Prof. Dr. med. Markus Braun-Falco, Senior Physician at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich
- Dr. rer. nat. Alexander von Petersenn, Pharmacist and proprietor of Bahnhof -Apotheke in Bergisch Gladbach
The board, now with nine members altogether, is holding meetings on a regular basis and governs the vital exchange of knowledge between international research and the company. This permits scientifically substantiated, thought-provoking impulses to become the foundations for the development of new products by the Department of Research & Development. The experts scientifically escort the innovations from the very first idea all the way to the maturity of the product. Besides, the Scientific Advisory Board constitutes the expert panel which is about to present the Heinz Maurer Award for Dermatological Research for the ninth time in 2012.
Members of Sebapharma’s Scientific Advisory Board in 2012:
- Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. mult. Otto Braun-Falco (Honorary Chairman), former Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich
- Prof. Dr. med. Christiane Bayerl, Director of the Dermatology and Allergology Hospital of the Dr. Horst-Schmidt-Kliniken GmbH in Wiesbaden
- Prof. Dr. med. Markus Braun-Falco, Senior Physician at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich
- Prof. Dr. rer nat. Rolf Daniels, Emulsion Engineering and Dermatics Working Group, Pharmaceutical Technology Study Branch at the Pharmaceutical Institute of the Eberhard Karl University in Tübingen
- Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Gehring, Director of the Dermatology Clinic at the Municipal Hospital in Karlsruhe
- Prof. Dr. med. Martina Kerscher, Chair for Cosmetics and Personal Hygiene of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Hamburg
- Dr. rer. nat. Alexander von Petersenn, Pharmacist and proprietor of Bahnhof -Apotheke in Bergisch Gladbach
- Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Thomas Ruzicka, Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich
- Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Monika Schäfer-Korting, Vice President and Vice Dean of the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmaceutics at the Free University of Berlin
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